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About The Crossroads Community Garden

The Crossroads Community Garden provides the opportunity for EVNA members to come together to grow vegetables, flowers, and herbs, meet new people, and enjoy the outdoors throughout the growing season (May-October)! The Garden has been an integral and active part of the community since its start in 2016 when Calgary Municipal Land Corporation (CMLC) provided a growing area which includes raised beds for gardeners with mobility challenges, accessible water, and a communal garden shed.

    • There are a total of 88 garden plots available.
    • Each plot is leased for $33 each growing season (May through October).  
    • A limited number of subsidized garden plots are available for seniors 65+.

Who is eligible to lease a garden plot?

To lease a garden plot, you must:
  • 2025-01-17 9:00 AM
    Crossroads Community Garden (6 ST @ 7 AV SE)

Maintenance Volunteer


Thank you to our partners:

Green Meadow Landscapes, and Calgary Municipal Land Corporation
who provide assistance with compost pickup, irrigation systems, funding, and events.

Gardener Resources

Garden Guidebook 2022

Make the most of your limited space!

The Crossroads Community Garden provides the opportunity for community members to come together to grow vegetables, flowers and herbs, meet new people and enjoy the outdoors throughout the growing season. Information and a few growing tips are contained in the PDF linked below.

Download PDF

Upcoming events

    • 2025-01-17
    • 9:00 AM
    • 2025-10-05
    • Crossroads Community Garden (6 ST @ 7 AV SE)
    • 12

    Garden REGISTRATION opens on January 17 for the 2025 season!

    The Crossroads Community Garden provides the opportunity for East Village Neighbourhood Association (EVNA) members to come together to grow vegetables, flowers, and herbs, meet new people, and enjoy the outdoors throughout the growing season (May-October)!

    Who is eligible to lease a garden plot?

    To lease a garden plot, you must:

    NOTE:We ask that all gardeners renew their EVNA memberships for the upcoming year prior to registering for a garden plot (separate transaction). 

    When can I register for my garden plot?

    • Returning gardeners (those who had a plot in 2024) are able to register beginning January 17, 2025
      (a registration code is required & will be emailed to returning gardeners separately).
    • New gardeners are able to register beginning March 15, 2025.

    Can I register offline?

    Yes! Please contact our Garden Registrar to arrange for in-person registration & payments. We are planning to set up a registration in person event in February. 

    Addie Suchorab

    Where can I learn more about the garden?

    Visit our website for additional details and garden rules: 

    Community Garden

Past events

2024-01-15 Garden Season 2024
2023-01-15 Garden Season 2023
2022-10-02 Harvest Party!
2022-05-14 Garden Season 2022!
2021-10-03 Garden Party
2021-05-08 Garden Season 2021 - Opening!
2020-10-10 Garden Closure
2020-09-27 Garden Harvest


The following Rules and Guidelines have been designed to facilitate:

  • a safe and tidy community garden, 
  • a gratifying environment in which to work, and 
  • a pleasant view for gardeners, neighbors, and the general public to look upon.

The Rules:

  1. Gardeners will pay an annual plot rental fee (in addition to their EVNA membership)
  2. The period of plot rental shall be May-October.
  3. Commit the time to regular gardening.
    (Growing flowers/herbs/vegetables in a community plot is a very unique style of gardening with great benefits and some tough challenges that home gardeners don’t experience. The far distance from your home often limits how frequently you can visit your garden and the difficulty of managing your garden from afar. If you’re not careful, these challenges can make community gardening feel more like a burden than a joy.)
  4. Returning gardeners in good standing have first opportunity to rent the same plot for next year’s growing season.
    The time-frame for advanced online registration is November-February; delaying past this into the March-May time-frame means we cannot guarantee the same plot will be available as it may be reassigned to a new gardener.
  5. New Gardeners – Online garden registration will open in March, and names will be added to the garden wait list once all plots have been filled.
  6. Special Access Plots are plots that are reserved for those with mobility challenges, special needs, or seniors. These plots will be granted on an annual basis and should be re-applied for each year.
  7. If a gardener is unable to continue gardening, they shall notify the Garden Coordinator. Gardeners wishing to cancel mid-season should notify the Garden Coordinator so that plots may be reassigned. There will be no fee reimbursement and all above ground material, including stakes, must be removed by the gardener.
  8. The Planting deadline is June 15. If there are no visible signs of planting by then, the plot will be considered abandoned and may be reassigned to the next person on the wait list.
  9. Gardeners shall keep their plots weeded and tidy, and maintain the pathway surrounding their plot.
  10. If a gardener’s garden bed is unkempt, they will be given two (2) weeks notice to clean it up. If they do not comply, their bed may be reassigned and their annual fee forfeited at the discretion of Garden Coordinator.
  11. All tools must be returned to the tool shed when you are done and the shed is to be locked. The tool shed combination is to be kept confidential among gardeners.
  12. Because plot usage is seasonal, a fall cleanup is required.
  13. All dogs must be on a leash and are not permitted to roam freely in the gardens. Owners must pick up after pets and bring the waste away with them.
  14. Smoking on the garden property is prohibited.


''Policies regarding community gardens during this unusual time may change over time, please be patient and stay posted as we navigate new ground together.''

The guidance we are receiving right now from our City Neighbourhood Partnership Coordinator is to develop risk mitigation strategies. Spending time outdoors is good for our health. But social responsibility is essential for all our health. Listed below are risk mitigation strategies for 2020 garden season:

  • People who are sick with a fever or cough must not attend (even if symptoms appear to be mild or resemble a cold)
  • Partnership between the CMLC and Landscaping crew will disinfect surfaces once a day
  • Workshops and public gatherings are postponed
  • DISTANCE yourself at least 2 meters (6 feet) away from other people
  • AVOID an area if it looks busy, come back later or wait --
  • WEAR GLOVES when you touch surfaces like lids to the compost bins
  • WASH YOUR HANDS with soap and water once you get home
  • TOOLSHED closed
  • TOOLS - gardeners will be responsible their own hand tools
  • WATER - access to water is weather dependent
  • GARDEN HOSES (subjected to change) Stan, our maintenance volunteer will take old hoses, cut them down and place at all spigots (new garden hoses will not be purchased at this time)
  • WATERING CANS - gardeners will be responsible for their own watering can or make a DIY Watering Can from a Plastic Milk Jug

Our Vision

An inclusive, thriving, and vibrant East Village where all are welcome to live, learn, work, and play.


To encourage conversation and interaction to create a sense of belonging and ownership for all who live, work, and play in East Village.

Our Connection


Mail: 610 8 Avenue S.E.
Calgary, AB T2G 0M1