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  • 2025-03-27 1:17 PM | Vice President (Administrator)

    Hi EV Neighbours! It’s that time of year again, spring is in the air, the geese are returning (watch your step!), and the EVNA AGM is just around the corner!

    On Saturday, May 3rd, we will be hosting the AGM at carya Village Commons at 10:30 AM. A formal invitation will be sent out to the community shortly, but first, we want to share information about the neighbourhood association and the benefits of joining. There are many ways to become involved with EVNA: as a resident member, a pickleball member, and, of course, as a volunteer!

    EVNA is volunteer-driven and we know that volunteers are the backbone of our community! The larger our member and volunteer base is, the stronger our voice will be in supporting and advocating for our vibrant community. As a person invested in the East Village, you can volunteer at events or join a subject-specific committee. If you are also a resident, you can even become part of the Board. Let’s break it down:

    Event Volunteer – Currently, EVNA hosts five key events each year: Bike Day, Neighbour Day, Street Fair, Purge N’ Splurge, and Light Up the Village. Additionally, the Garden Committee organizes seasonal events, including the annual Garden Harvest Party. We are always looking for new events and programs that we can run, so more volunteers mean more potential events for our community!

    Committee Volunteer – Do you have expertise or a passion you’d like to share? For those who enjoy analyzing numbers, we have our Finance Committee. If you’re social media-savvy, consider joining the Marketing Committee. Green thumbs are welcome in the Garden Committee, while urbanists can contribute to the Planning Committee. If you understand the importance of the kitchen, the Pickleball Committee is for you! Entrepreneurs and artists who want to see more activity in the East Village can join our Business & Arts Committee. Lastly, we have committees dedicated to general EVNA events and one specifically for our signature Canada Day Street Fair.

    Board Member – EVNA’s bylaws allow for five to nine board members, including four executive positions: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Our mission is to encourage conversation and interaction to create a sense of belonging and ownership for all who live, work, and play in East Village. The board regularly engages with CMLC, the City, our Ward 7 representative, other community associations, and various organizations throughout the community. We believe that the board should always represent all our neighbours in the East Village. To ensure fresh perspectives, we limit executive positions to five consecutive years, allowing new representatives to engage and have their voices heard!

    Throughout April, we will share details about the different board positions, committees, and events through our social media channels and in print where possible. We are also open to meeting with potential volunteers for any of the opportunities mentioned above and providing more information. Residents are welcome to join and observe a board meeting if they are interested in learning more about the topics at hand.

    At EVNA, we firmly believe that the greatest reason to join is that it’s good for you! Studies have shown that volunteering in your community can strengthen your sense of belonging, broaden your support network, and inspire you. This leads to increased happiness and a greater sense of fun – what could be better than that?

  • 2022-10-04 7:24 PM | Vice President (Administrator)

    As many of our residents know, the Alberta Government recently announced they are cancelling the plans for the proposed recovery-orientated services at the Calgary Drop-In Centre as further consultation and planning throughout the whole of Calgary is needed for these services to be provided effectively and appropriately. 

    While we believe that that more time was the right decision, we have not heard clear updates on the similar proposal for services being extended to Alpha House and what is happening with the service at the Sheldon Chumir Health Centre. As such, our neighbours in the Beltline are asking for clarity from the government and support from the surrounding communities. 

    They have a petition to ask that the Alberta Government pause any changes or closures to SCS in the Beltline. If that is something you personally wish to support, please follow the link below: 

    >>> <<<<

    As we noted before, we believe this issue requires a holistic view and explicitly asked our government representatives provide  comprehensive, detailed plans that highlights long-term funding to ensure the safety and security of all. It is still our belief that this transparency is required from the UCP and AHS. 

    With Kindness, 

    Your EVNA Board

  • 2022-08-05 1:18 PM | Vice President (Administrator)

    The East Village Neighbourhood Association’s (EVNA) vision is to see an inclusive, thriving, and vibrant East Village where all are welcome.

    We believe this means taking a holistic view on societal issues in a manner that encourages all members of society to participate in finding solutions. Our members have expressed their concerns about the recovery services the Drop-In Centre - at the request of the UCP government - is looking to implement. There is particular concern around the overdose prevention components of the plan. EVNA hears our neighbours and want to support them and ensure their voices are included, whether for or against such programs. The Community Information Sessions were a great start but all of us in the East Village need to hear directly from each level of our political leaders, the emergency response teams, and the other agencies part of and affected by this possible change.

    The Drop-In Centre cannot be expected to carry the burden, or the solution themselves. There needs to be a broad, all-encompassing approach that includes everyone; from the government, the agencies, our Calgary communities, and individuals. Downtown Calgary, particularly the east end, hosts a disproportionate number of services and while we welcome all, we need to be realistic of one small community’s capacity and remember the need to provide local services to other communities. If such a program goes forward, the East Village residents require, and deserve no less than the full involvement and backing of all parties to ensure the continued, successful revitalization of this community while providing meaningful life-saving resources and housing security to our neighbours. This means, we explicitly ask that the City of Calgary, Alberta Health Services, Calgary Police Services and the Government of Alberta provide the residents and businesses of East Village a comprehensive, detailed plan that highlights long-term funding to ensure the safety and security of all.

    East Village is a community of juxtaposition; one of the oldest and at the same time, one of the newest Calgary communities. Our demographics cover any and all ages, nationalities, orientations, and income levels. What makes the East Village so special is this vibrancy of colour created by our residents, and we have no desire to change that. We are proud to call everyone who resides here our neighbour and EVNA will continue to do our part in creating a sense of belonging and ownership for all who live, work, and play in East Village. We ask that the provincial and city governments do the same.  

    With Kindness, 

    Your EVNA Board

  • 2021-05-21 2:19 PM | Vice President (Administrator)

    Do you consider yourself an architecture aficionado?

    EVNA is looking for local writers to help us create a series of articles all about East Village’s history, architecture, and urban design. We're aiming to make our website a resource, not just for residents, but for Calgarians and travellers alike. Rather than a dull ‘stats sheet’ on each building noting the dry data, we're hoping for a well-researched and engaging story that will help residents have a greater appreciation for each building and entice travellers to visit them as well.

    Each article will tell the story of a single building:

    • what it’s like to visit,
    • the interesting details it has that visitors should look for,
    • the circumstances that lead to its conception and design,
    • who designed it and when,
    • what occupants or uses it has had, etc.

    The article will also feature as many photos as we can get, new and old. Bonus marks for diagrams or other illustrations!

    EVNA is completely volunteer based. As such, we wouldn’t be able to offer monetary compensation but will be happy to give you full credit everywhere its posted (tagged with or without your photo, up to you) and, of course, you can use it for your own portfolio.

    If you're interested, please email me at!

    Here is a list of buildings and bridges we're hoping to include:

    • 5th & Third
    • Arris
    • ALT Hotel
    • "Booker's Building"
    • Calgary Drop-in & Rehab Centre
    • Calgary Public Library: Central Library
    • Cecil Hotel
    • Centre of Hope
    • East Village Community Church
    • East Village Place
    • ENMAX / District Energy
    • EV Experience / Harvest Building
    • Evolution
    • FIRST
    • First on Colour
    • George C King Tower
    • George C King | Skipping Stone Bridge
    • The Hat
    • Hillier Block
    • Hilton Garden Inn | Homewood Suites
    • Hostels International: Calgary City Centre
    • INK
    • King Eddy Hotel
    • M2
    • Murdock Mannor
    • N3
    • National Music Centre | Studio Bell
    • Orange Lofts
    • Platform Innovation Centre & Parkade
    • Reconciliation | Langevin Bridge
    • Riverfront
    • Riverfront Pointe
    • Rivertwin
    • Salvation Army
    • Simmons [article published 2021-07-16]
    • St. Louis Hotel
    • Verve

    as well as any others lost to history!

  • 2021-02-23 6:57 PM | Business & Arts (Administrator)

    The following was originally Councillor Farrell's Ward 7 News Nugget from Feb 23, 2021:

    Calgary's East Village provides lessons and hope for our struggling Downtown core

    I remember stepping over puddles of blood as I walked through East Village to City Hall nearly two decades ago. Blood, needles, and vomit were a regular sight when I lived in East Village’s Orange Lofts in 2003. I developed a habit of holding my cellphone as I walked the five minutes to and from work, always scanning my surroundings and ready to dial 9-1-1 on a moment’s notice. After late meetings, City security would walk me home at night. 

    To say the 550-metre walk between Calgary’s City Hall and Orange Lofts on 5th Street and 8th Ave S.W. has changed remarkably since 2003 is an understatement. Back then, the route passed by empty lots, boarded up buildings, and those who prey on Calgary’s most vulnerable citizens. The seniors who lived in the few existing towers were afraid to leave the safety of their block. Today, this area is home to the stunning National Music Centre and the restored King Eddy, new residential towers, and the dazzling Central Library. The opening of Orange Lofts in 2002 kicked off a transformation that’s changed Calgary’s oldest neighbourhood from a derelict part of the city into a vibrant community where more than 3,500 residents (and counting) live. 

    Image for post

    I’ve been thinking about East Village a lot lately, as I speak to the public and City staff about the future of Calgary’s Downtown. Downtowns are essential for the health of a city. They’re the cultural heart of a place, and because so much of our tax base comes from the core, a struggling downtown impacts the financial health of the entire city. Amid a multi-year recession, our Downtown was already struggling. Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Today, nearly one out of three office towers are empty and there’s a shadow vacancy rate (vacant space that is still paid for) of about another 10%. Calgary’s office core is undergoing the most profound vacancy crisis of any major city in Canada since the great depression. 

    And yet, instead of feeling despair, I feel hopeful about the future of Downtown. We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to build a downtown, and a Calgary, for the next generation. I know it won’t be easy but I know it’s possible. I know there isn’t one magic solution that will fix our core, but rather many changes that must occur. One only needs to look to nearby East Village for inspiration that a transformation is both possible and worth the hard work it will take. 

    If transforming our Downtown is a 10 on a scale of difficulty, East Village was a 100. Whether you’re tobogganing on St. Patrick’s Island, grabbing a coffee from the Simmons Building and strolling along River Walk, or hanging out at the Central Library, it’s easy to enjoy East Village while forgetting its checkered past.

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    East Village is located at the confluence of the Elbow and Bow rivers, and for thousands of years the area was an important gathering place for Indigenous peoples. By the 1940s, the district was known for its bootleggers and brothels and had been dubbed a “skid row” by Calgary’s Medical Officer of Health. Revitalization efforts were attempted, unsuccessfully, in both the 60s and 70s, and many gave up on the area. Social concerns long deterred private investment and the infrastructure crumbled. Built on an old landfill and tannery, the entire neighbourhood required environmental clean up. Utility replacement was desperately needed. A berm separated the river from the community, which also lacked connecting routes to the rest of the city. Much of the neighbourhood needed to be raised several meters out of the floodway. 

    It took more than a decade of hard work to build East Village into the funky neighbourhood Calgarians know today. A nearly $400-million public investment spurred nearly $3 billion of planned private investment. Transforming this neglected, forgotten area was a fight. I have the battle scars to show for it. But, gosh, was it worth it. 

    I believe we can, and we must, build a future city for the next generation, starting in the very heart of our city, our Downtown. And I believe the lessons learned while rejuvenating East Village must be applied as we build a downtown for people of all ages, abilities, and incomes to live, learn, work, and play.

    Believe it can be done (think big!) 

    The first lesson? We must believe it can be done and push confidently past the naysayers. Throughout East Village’s transformation, I heard again and again, a sarcastic, good luck. I was told no one would visit St. Patrick’s Island because of the crime. Today, it’s one of the busiest parks in the city, where everyone feels welcome. When we chose the new site for the Central Library, many scoffed at the location – no one would visit 3 Street. S.E., they said. Some said it would be impossible to accommodate the C-Train in the building’s design. Not only does the Central Library have a train running through it, more than two million people visited the building in its first 14 months. There were a lot of doubters and only a handful of believers when we set to transform East Village. We listened to the believers. 

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    Listen to Calgarians

    We must also listen to the people who already live Downtown, many of whom are families new to Canada. We need to reach out to existing residents and ask them, what do you love about living here? What do you hate? What would keep you here? We need to ask Calgarians of all backgrounds and ages, from all areas of the city, what would entice you to live Downtown? 

    When the third and final attempt at revitalizing East Village began in the mid-2000s, an extensive market study took place. Calgarians were asked what it would take for them to live there. We heard they didn’t mind a little grit and they loved the tangible history. They told us they wanted to get around by bike, transit, and their own two feet – life without a car – a startling thing to hear at that time. They described desires for a vibrant public realm and said they cared about the river, parks, public art, live music, and neighbourhood eateries.

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    What did we do after hearing all that? We made it happen. After raising the land and replacing the infrastructure, the first big move was celebrating the river with RiverWalk. Sidewalks were widened, and new landscaping, streetlights, and benches were installed. We took an abandoned fish market and turned it into a temporary art centre. We staged yoga classes, street markets, and summertime opera to attract visitors. Council approved Calgary’s first parking-free condo building. We watched as condo sales increased every time a new piece of public art was unveiled. We saved historic buildings like the Simmons, St. Louis, and the King Eddy, which was dismantled brick by brick and then re-assembled. 

    Listen to youth

    We absolutely must include youth in the conversation about our future Downtown. The 15-year-olds of today will be the 25-year-olds living in a revitalized Downtown a decade from now. 

    Listen to companies

    We also need to consult future-oriented industries, especially tech. I keep hearing we can save downtown by just recruiting tech companies to move into cubicles, but the firms I talk to don’t want to work in a vertical office park. Many want to move to East Village because they love the neighbourhood feel. We need to ask them what would lure them Downtown.

    Be creative about temporary space (think small!)

    Adjacent to the King Eddy sits a colourful basketball court known as Bounce. This games park is temporary. It sits on a parking lot that two summers ago was home to a dozen neon painted shipping containers that housed retail pop-ups. Two summers before that, it was a gas station that sold tire gauges for makeshift crack pipes. From this gas station turned basketball court, to community gardens and dog parks, East Village has taken advantage of empty space and programmed it, creating attractions for visitors. Downtown should follow suit. Every vacant lot in our city’s core should have something cool on it to bring people Downtown, like temporary patios, skating rinks, and street markets. We need to give Calgarians a reason to visit. 

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    And we need to give existing residents places to build community. When the East Village transformation started, many people who called the area home lived in deep poverty. We intentionally built amenities like playgrounds, dog parks, and community gardens where people from disparate demographics could come together. We were intentional about building a diverse neighbourhood and not displacing existing residents. The same must occur Downtown.

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    Invest in sidewalks and streets

    If we want Calgarians to stay Downtown, we must invest in the public realm. That means parks, pathways, tree-lined sidewalks, and so on. Some parts of Downtown have the narrowest sidewalks in the country. Many are crumbling and in need of replacement. The lessons from East Village are clear. We must transform our core from a vertical office park into a place where people want to be. Think about the potential that exists in Downtown West, with the river just steps away. 

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    We treat our core like a place to go through, rather than go to. For decades we’ve lamented that Downtown empties out after 5 p.m., yet its entire transportation system has been built for that quick exit. Cities around the world are humanizing their downtown streets to attract new residential, new talent, and new industries.

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    Let go of the past and offer incentives

    Speaking of change, we must finally let go of the past. We’ve been lazy with our Downtown. We’ve waited for it to recover, because it always has. But times have changed. We know those office towers won’t fill back up with oil and gas companies. It’s also complicated and expensive to convert office towers to residential. They’ll sit empty if we don’t find a way to make conversions easier. We must look at financial incentives, tax holidays, and energy retrofits to spur development in our core. To attract private development in the East Village, we invested to show the area was worth exploring. Let this serve as inspiration. 

    What next?

    We intentionally invested in that future for East Village nearly two decades ago. Transforming our core from a vertical office park to a vibrant neighbourhood will take the same intentional change. I recently stumbled upon old photos of East Village in the early 2000s. I gasped as I saw just how far this neighbourhood has come. When I walk through East Village today, it’s easy to forget the big fights, the sleepless nights and the sheer determination that it took to transform this place. Building a Downtown core that will welcome future generations won’t be easy. But East Village shows us it can be done and Calgary will be better for it. 

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    I won’t be running for re-election this fall. It won’t be me championing our Downtown into the coming decades. We need bold leadership around the council table to ensure our Downtown is transformed into a true community where people will want to live, work, learn, and play for years to come. City-building is no easy task but, after 20 years around the council table, I can tell you it is worth it. 

    We need to build a downtown for all of Calgary. When the new Central Library opened its doors in 2018, I visited every day during its first week. I watched as Calgarians would enter the stunning atrium, pause, look around, and take it all in. I watched tears stream down faces. This space was theirs. It was built for them. East Village shows transformation is possible. It’s worth the hard work. We can, and we must, build a downtown that future generations will be proud of.

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    Cllr. Druh Farrell, Ward 7 City Councillor

    Office of the Councillors
    P.O. Box 2100, Stn. M
    Calgary, Alberta, T2P 2M5

    p. 403.268.4428 │ f. 403.268.3823 │ e.

  • 2021-02-12 8:00 AM | Business & Arts (Administrator)

    The following article can be downloaded as a PDF here.

    If you can believe it, East Village Neighbourhood Association (EVNA) is now 10 years old! We have seen a lot of changes to our neighbourhood in that time and added many new faces. To celebrate this milestone and to reflect the growth of our community, we are delighted to debut our brand-new logo with you, our family of #EVneighbours! We believe this new design reflects our community’s growth and embodies our core values perfectly!


    The new logo features a colourful cityscape, with five buildings of various shapes and sizes, plus our iconic George C. King “Skipping Stone” Bridge in front. This imagery helps differentiate our neighbourhood from others in the city, as we are uniquely high-rise oriented. The six vibrant colours help convey our fun and lively nature, while also paying homage to the diversity of East Village’s residents and guests. 

    Below the cityscape lies our nameplate in a seventh colour, steel-blue. Two versions of the typographic elements are used: our full name is for regular use, while the shortened “YYCEVNA” name is reserved for social media platforms. Anchored beneath the nameplate is a graphical representation of the brick pavers that permeate our neighbourhood and make our streets so unique. By using this brick pattern, and incorporating orange within its new rainbow of colours, the new logo gives a loving nod toward its predecessor. Likewise, the words “East Village” continue to be the dominating text, as the neighbourhood remains the central focus of the association. 

    The new logo is finished by being wrapped in a double-lined circle of steel-blue to illustrate the unity and resiliency we’ve shown through the years. Whether it be the losses felt by decades of urban renewal schemes, the devastating floods of 2005 and 2013, or the socially-isolated pandemic of 2020, we think you’ll all agree that this neighbourhood has seen and been through a lot of hardships. But getting us through it all is a strong and compassionate group of diverse individuals who care and help their neighbours in times of need. This is the true heart of the community that we aimed to capture within our new logo.

    Our Revitalization Committee was established last year in response to the opportunity afforded us by COVID-19’s pause on ‘normal’ life. The committee was given the time and resources needed to look inward and renew EVNA’s outlook for the coming years. This included overhauling our website and communication tools, as well as updating our vision and mission statements. Our vision at EVNA is to support an inclusive, thriving, and vibrant East Village where all are welcome to live, learn, work, and play. Our mission is to encourage conversation and interaction to create a sense of belonging and ownership for all who live work and play in East Village. We believe our new logo imbues these statements wonderfully with playful colours, familiar patterns, and a unified design. We are thrilled to show off this new logo with our #EVneighbours and hope you are excited about it too. 

    Visual Identity Guidelines

    What better time to celebrate 10 years of EVNA than in the month that we also celebrate love and family? Help us fulfil our goals of community engagement and connection by joining our family of members and volunteers! You can register as a member, or learn more about volunteering by clicking these links! We hope to hear from you all soon!

  • 2021-01-26 8:27 PM | Business & Arts (Administrator)

    The following has been provided to us from our community partner, Alpha House, which can also be downloaded here as a PDF:

    Who to contact and when


    Alpha House Hostel
    24/7 Building Line
    (587) 437-8798

    If you have a concern directly related to the hostel, such as noise or a garbage concern or if you have good reason to believe an issue involves an individual utilizing the program at this building.
    911 Emergency Services If you believe that anyone’s safety is in jeopardy or you see a violent/criminal situation occurring.

    Calgary Police Non-Emergency Services

    If for any reason you feel that the situation should be dealt with by or reported to the police, but there are no threats to anyone’s safety, such as witnessing what appears to be a drug deal. Police will attend on a lesser-priority response time.

    Alpha House D.O.A.P. Team

    If you observe a vulnerable individual who appears to be intoxicated and requires support.
    Alpha House Needle Response
    If you find a needle in the community and want assistance getting it picked up.

    Alpha House Encampment Team

    If you see an individual "rough sleeping" who may be in need of support
  • 2021-01-21 2:32 PM | Vice President (Administrator)

    Tales of our Past — Historic East Village

    Chateau Rooms 

    (Originally known as St. Louise Apartments until 1916)
    Section 15, Plan A, Block 39, Lots 25-26
    428-430 Seventh Avenue SE.

    Community Heritage and Family History – Digital Library - Calgary Public Library – Alison Jackson Photograph Collection. Chateau Rooms, 430 7th Avenue S.E. c. 13-Aug-63

    This three-and-a-half storey “Tenement House” intended as moderately-priced accommodation for newcomers emigrating to Calgary, was constructed in 1910, during the boomtown period, (Building Permit #306/1908), at an estimated cost of $4,000.00. Although the architect is unknown, the owner was P.A.G. Rodrigue, a contractor. He also built for $500.00 in 1908, the dwelling where he lived at 427 6 Avenue S.E. (Lots 14-15, Building Permit #41/1908).

    The building was vernacular design and its most unusual distinct feature, rare in Alberta, boast a 2-storey veranda which ran across the front façade. This placed emphasis on the 2nd storey which was the main entranceway reached by a staircase with railings, from the sidewalk, reminiscent of a style common in urban Quebec. The veranda was embellished with wooden trellis work, which consisted mainly of angular pieces of wood. There was no attempt at any carving or scroll work.

    The façade was broken up into three distinct units with the ground level and 2nd storey level each containing 3 entranceways. Also, there was a back porch.


    420 Seventh Ave. East - 35¢ and 50¢ daily;
    $2.00 and $2.50 weekly.

    A CLASSIFIED AD found in the Western Farmer and Weekly Albertan, Calgary. Thursday, April 23, 1925. Page 9

    The foundation was concrete, there was no basement. The exterior was wood, covered with a cream-coloured brick. The windows were double hung with 9 on 9 glazing and set within plain wooden frames. Above each was a segmented arch in the brickwork. Little attention was apparently paid to the windows and trim on the other sides of the building. The doors were also set within plain frames and each was surmounted with a small hinged transom window above the doorway providing lighting.

    Projecting from the wood and shingled sloping mansard roof was vertical dormer windows on the lower slopes, and the flat area on top was surrounded by metal fleur-de-lis, (the emblem of the Province of Quebec).

    Upon perusal of the original City of Calgary- Assessor’s Department History Card of Inspections, the building had 36 rooms, one Bath Room, 15 Plumbing fixtures in fair condition, stained fir floors/trim, stove heating and 2 chimneys.

    In 1920 improvements were made to the lower level. At a later time the building was divided into 27 rooms, two of which belonged to the building manager. There was a central lounge space in the middle of the building with staircases rising up on either side of it and one staircase rising to the 3rd floor in the centre of the building. In 1948 Storage Sheds and a Garage were provided.

    In 1949 the building was sold to a new owner, Jacob (Jack) Laven.

    The final owner was business man, Mr. Harry Binsky who said he spent thousands of dollars on the building to improve fire standards, thus bringing it up to code.

    Mr. Binsky, together with his wife, Mrs. Rosalie Binsky, owned five lots and believed that the value of their five lot package had been decreased considerably because the Chateau Rooms was located in the middle. Mr. Binsky offered the Chateau Rooms free to Heritage Park in the late 1970’s, but backed off when told he’d have to pay the moving costs.

    Because Mr. Binsky wanted the building off his property, he next offered to participate with a developer, (and attractive concessions), in its removal to a small City park which was located on the corner of 4th Street and 7th Avenue S.E. The reluctance of the City of Calgary, Planning Department, to grant more concessions, or to sanction the move of the building to a new City owned site, created a stalemate.

    The building was at one time placed on a list of about-to-be investigated sites by the Historic Sites Board of Alberta as a Provincial Historic Resource, at the insistence of the City Planning Department, Special Projects Division, as it was considered a fine example of Calgary’s architectural heritage, but negotiations came to a standstill.

    Community Heritage and Family History – Digital Library - Calgary Public Library. Alison Jackson Photograph Collection. Chateau Rooms, 430 7th Avenue S.E. c. 13-Aug-63

    On Friday, June 6, 1980, a city building inspector rushed to the building shortly after 1pm when city officials were tipped a bulldozer was on the site, and handed Binsky a stop-work order which was in effect until a demolition permit was issued. By then, the front and back verandahs were down, although the rest of the building was intact and the bulldozer had left.

    Apparently no demolition permit had been issued, nor was there any record of an application for a permit. Mr. Binsky said, the Demolition Contractor he hired, Bill Wearmouth, was to have obtained the necessary permits. The rest of the building will not come down until a permit is issued, Wearmouth said. He also said, nothing was amiss because taking off the porches did not constitute demolition.

    However, once a building is designated as a historic resource by the province, it cannot be demolished or altered without permission.

    In an interview, Mr. Binsky said that he did not know the building was being considered for provincial designation as a historic resource. When faced with to meet requirements), he evicted the tenants and decided to turn the site into a parking lot for the meat equipment business he operated next door. (Butchers & Packers Supplies Limited).

    A letter under date of November 14, 1980 to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Binsky, from the Minister Responsible for Alberta Culture, as guardian of historic resources at the time, Mary J. LeMessurier, informed them the Chateau Rooms was not worthy of designation. Architecturally, the building which was just one of a small handful of older buildings of any sort still standing in 1980 in Calgary’s East Village, was then demolished shortly thereafter.

    Community Heritage and Family History – Digital Library - Calgary Public Library. Alison Jackson Photograph Collection. Chateau Rooms, 430 7th Avenue S.E. c. 14-Aug-63

    Researched and compiled by: M.P. (Pat) Hooper
    Word processing by: Susan Hooper
    [With special thanks to Carol Stokes, Archivist, City Clerk’s Office]

  • 2020-12-24 5:00 PM | Marketing (Administrator)

    'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the village

    Not a creature was stirring, not even an elf;

    The cookies were out with drinks of eggnog galore,

    In knowledge that St. Nicholas soon would be there;

    The neighbours were nestled all snug in their beds,

    While visions of Christmas lights danced in their heads;

    My friend in her toque, and I in my hat (found it!),

    Had just settled down for one last toast before bed.

    When out in 5th Street Square there arose such a clatter,

    I sprang from the couch to see what was the matter.

    Away to the patio I flew like a flash,

    Tore open the doors and stepped out on the deck.

    The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow

    Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,

    When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,

    But a bright red sleigh, and eight hungry reindeer,

    With that old slave driver, my boss and my friend,

    I knew in a moment my time here was up.

    More rapid than 24 days. I swear that it was,

    So I leaned over the rail, and whistled, and called “Hey Santa!”

    "Hold, just a moment! Wait ‘til you hear! Now, now, listen in awe!

    The Village! Oh my! Dog parks, and art walks, and friends that were made!

    To the library, architecture divine! To crab shacks and Bounce, games for all!

    Dash away! dash away! I’m not ready to go, not even at all!"

    And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof

    The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.

    So we jumped in the elevator, no dallying around,

    There on the rooftop St. Nicholas came with a bound.

    His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!

    He laughed as he said, “oh Derek, it really is cherry!”

    A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,

    Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;

    He spoke just a word; “STAY”, I knew then from home I could work,

    Clasping my hand with a really big grin; then turned with a jerk,

    And laying his finger aside of his nose,

    And giving a nod, up towards the Tower lights he rose;

    He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,

    And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.

    But I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight,


  • 2020-12-23 9:00 PM | Marketing (Administrator)
    Whoa! It looks like the north pole outside! I’m no longer dreaming of a white Christmas because we definitely got it!! Whoa! It looks like the north pole outside! I’m no longer dreaming of a white Christmas because we definitely got it!! I've been seeing so many newly lit balconies. Do you think we'll get to 300? Our neighbours over at the @verveyyc are making it interesting for their residents!

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