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East Village needs a Hygge

2020-12-05 3:00 PM | Marketing (Administrator)

How you doin’? I’m Derek. International Elf of intrigue…yeah, that line gets me pretty much no where. Yet, I am an International Elf of… oh, okay right.

This is really my first trip anywhere, but I’ve learned a lot about the world from reading Santa’s letters and eavesdropping on morning cocoa conversations between Mr. and Mrs. Claus. What? I’m an Elf on a shelf. Don’t judge me. I eavesdrop. It’s my thing. I thought that I came to Calgary prepared. It’s cold, there’s snow. No one told me about the Geese and no one told me to expect a Hygge Hut. Right here in East Village! Not kidding! Right on the Riverwalk. It’s very Hygge. Covid covered. A chance warm yourself and talk to your neighbours by the warmth of a fire. I personally find the weather really hot! Not what they described at all, but everyone keeps telling me that it gets cold! Okay. We’ll see.

I’ll leave you today with a little advice from an International Elf of Intrigue (stop laughing). Beware of your plastic bits in a Hygge Hut. Jus’ sayin. No reason. I’m fine. 

Our Vision

An inclusive, thriving, and vibrant East Village where all are welcome to live, learn, work, and play.


To encourage conversation and interaction to create a sense of belonging and ownership for all who live, work, and play in East Village.

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Calgary, AB T2G 0M1